Raptor Training | April 2020

Raptor Training | April 2020

Chris BeecherRaptor Software, Training

Get hands-on experience using the powerful Raptor control platform in our popular, three-day training class. With step-by-step instruction from experienced professionals, you’ll build the fundamental skills needed to get the most out of fast, efficient embedded model-based development using Raptor’s software tools. Space is limited, so don’t wait to sign up for the next session!

APRIL 28 – 30, 2020
New Eagle Headquarters
5220 S State Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Register Now

Who Should Attend?

While many can benefit from Raptor Training, the program is best-suited for control system engineers, application engineers, embedded software engineers, and technical program managers.

What to Expect

Raptor Training features a five-part curriculum to ensure trainees build the background and skills needed for continued success using the Raptor platform.

  • Getting Started Basics* – assistance with software installation and licensing. *Requirements: Raptor-Dev, Raptor-Cal, an OS no older than Windows 7, and MATLAB (no earlier than 2015a) with Simulink, Embedded Coder, Matlab Coder, and Simulink coder.
  • Overview of MATLAB/Simulink – high-level review of console, workspace, and Simulink block descriptions.
    Comprehensive Introduction to Raptor-Dev — hands-on project directory setup, introduction to target definition blocks, trigger blocks, measurement & adjustment blocks, I/O blocks, fault management blocks, data storage blocks, and CAN blocks.
  • Comprehensive Introduction to Raptor-Cal – hands-on experience flashing modules, creating online displays, and making calibrations.
  • Raptor Hardware Deep Dive – in-depth introduction to hardware, followed by hands-on kit setup and testing.
    Custom Topics — Q & A, along with helpful tips and insights for getting more out of Raptor for your specific field or application.

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On-Site Training Options

While Raptor Training sessions are regularly held at New Eagle, they can also be conveniently scheduled at your worksite and tailored to your team’s needs. To learn more or to schedule an on-site Raptor Training, contact our team.

Train Anytime Online

Whether you’re getting started or just need a point-of-reference, our exclusive online Raptor Training video series is available 24/7 to approved New Eagle wiki users.

Get Started

For more updates about upcoming training opportunities and the latest improvements to the Raptor platform, subscribe to Raptor eNews!