Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Systems Solutions
Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Software
How It Helps Your Team Work
Electric Vehicle Development Platform
The Electric Vehicle Development Platform EVDP is an application layer software and set of tools that enable the rapid development of electric drive control systems through the use of validated controls strategies, component architectures, simulation, and Raptor eMBD.
For lightning-fast development of electric drive control systems tailored to your electric or hybrid vehicle, the EVDP is the ultimate solution.
How It Helps Your Team Work
Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Hardware
Find every component your team needs to build a complete electric drive system, starting with the foundation — Raptor ECUs
Automotive ECUs
The brains behind your electric or hybrid vehicle, our ECUs pair with Raptor eMBD software to provide custom controls on production automotive hardware.
Our Vehicle Control Units (VCUs) are designed to provide the communication systems, processing power, and I/O you need to oversee all modern EV control functions while meeting functional safety and cybersecurity requirements. New Eagle VCUs are volume manufactured, fully customizable with Raptor-Dev, and pair with the Raptor EV Development Platform to speed the development cycle and support production.
New Eagle EV Components
Complete control of your EV project without expensive tooling or volume requirements
World-class OEM EV-HEV components from suppliers including John Deere, Saietta, Sevcon, EMP, and Mitsubishi. Vetted by engineers at New Eagle and available at low volumes off-the-shelf, with short lead times or high volumes with a build schedule — giving your team the flexibility to work efficiently.
EV System Components Catalog
New Eagle leverages deep supplier relationships with world-class EV-HEV hardware OEMs to deliver nearly all the components needed to develop an electric vehicle system.
Our supplier agreements, logistic solutions, and engineering services combine to ensure supply chain safety, access, and support from prototype quantities through volume production.
EV Component Offerings:
- Electric Motors
- Traction Inverters
- Transmissions
- DC/DC Converters
- Onboard Chargers
- Thermal Systems
- Power Distribution
- Battery Management
Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Services
Turn-key builds of concept vehicles, complete vehicle system designs, and prototypes.
Phased Projects
Vehicle Integration Center